I don't have the time to do this, but maybe someone out there does? Feel free to take this idea.
A web site with user accounts that has a location field (area code?). The ability to, via text message, email, or a function on the site, to submit a license plate of a bad driver. The license plates are grouped according locations like Los Angeles, or states. The state might be set in the user's account, a default state for submissions maybe?
There would be a few false positives, naturally, but the real offenders would show up. This might even be a more useful site for bike riders and pedestrians.
I can also imagine there could be discussion beneath each license plate entry.
so like this. but with a better interface.
april, 25 2004
Andre Torrez
Well that was simple. I even searched Google.
Yeah, I suppose so.
Strangely, after seeing it done I feel less excited by the idea. That one is geared toward persecution versus my goal of providing a place for people to vent over similar perpetrators. I didn't really intend vigilantism. Kinda gross.
april, 25 2004
very germanic idea
april, 26 2004
Back in the day I had the idea of developing a local CB network kinda thingy (I'm not very technical) that would allow you to communicate with other cars in your immediate area by dialing their license plate number -- something like CAABC1234. Until I decided that people would probably use it to gripe at and threaten each other, and it would ultimately do more harm than good.
april, 26 2004
Andre Torrez
Yeah, after I saw baddrivers.org I realized it could easily be used for evil. I had just hoped it would be a sort of support forum for people to commiserate over a bad driver, not to form a death squad.
april, 26 2004