My first Arduino project is pretty simple.
Here's the video:
Here's the source:
int ledPin1 = 13; int ledPin2 = 12; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(ledPin1, HIGH); digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW); delay(500); digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH); digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW); delay(500); }
Ain't open source grand?
dakota smith
andre, why are you clearly making hoax devices? is this some attempt to embolden our enemies? because they hate flashing lights. or love them. at this point, i lost track.
february, 2 2007
Reminds me of those old Radio Shack 120-in-one kits with the springs, wires, transistors, LEDs, etc. :)
february, 2 2007
Dr. Bleep
Hooray! Progress!
february, 6 2007