
Luis Villa

wow. a-fucking-men for those who refuse to be afraid.

Bryce Benton

It's actually quite artistic to highlight the fear in modern society in such a humorous way.

Oh my god! Blinking lights on a building! Let's shut down all commerce and transportation!


I think it's pretty frigging hilarious that they gave so much air time to this.


Theater of the absurd to the max.

Awesome find.

(I came in via


This is great.


So, so awesome!

Anil Dash

LOLlercopter. These guys rock.

Matt Haughey

I love that the reporters get annoyed due to these guys' absurdity. It just points out how much of a farce newsgathering is these days. And kudos to the one reporter that thought of a hair-related question.

Neil Kandalgaonkar

This is my new mantra. If anybody asks me something I don't want to answer... "I'm sorry, that's not a hair-related question."


So...everyone is laughing at Boston because they over-reacted? Well...wouldnt a really devious terrorist who was wanting to attach a bomb to a public building, subway or bridge want to make it look like an innocuous joke item ? Attaching a box with cutesy flashing LEDs is a great cover for a real bomb, batteries and all. Boston did the right thing.

Mark Barbee

These guys needed Carl from ATHF as their attorney. I'll bet all the reporters there don't even know who the Mooninites are. Aqua Teen rocks, just like these guys. Society has such a sharp stick up its arse we're losing all sense of begnign humor.

John Paul Jones

Wow, don't leave a Lite Brite in a public place in Boston, it's a "hoax device" and you'll get arrested!

Seriously, the ppl in power in Boston overreacted and are so busy covering their butts that they've neglected to file charges against the clown who reported a SIGN as a bomb.

Idiocy is rampant here in the US.

Blind Morton Henkin

> Wouldn't a really devious terrorist
> who wanted to bomb to a public building,
> subway, or bridge want to make it look
> like an innocuous joke item? Attaching
> a box with cutesy flashing LEDs is a
> great cover for a real bomb, batteries
> and all. Boston did the right thing.

Following that logic, Lorenzo, the police should pre-emptively blow up all playgrounds in public parks. After all, those cutesy facades might be hiding bombs. There might also be a bomb hiding in every rubbish bin on Boston's streets; we'd better destroy those, too. And what about the cars? Every car driving on Boston's streets might really be a bomb. We'd better blow them all up. Ridiculous.


Surely the devious terrorist would refrain from putting blinking LED lights on their explosive devices? If they were trying to blow something up, having lights over the bomb would probably draw a little attention to it, wouldn't you say?

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before this i wrote graduating from "old skool" after this i wrote links for 2007-02-02


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