I'm not one for dream analyzation and whatnot, but two nights in a row Jesse Thorn has visited me in my dream and told me creatively I was a failure. I am not sure what that means, or why he has done that, but it actually affected me today on my ride to work.

It's possibly related to anxiety over playing live this weekend, plus being almost thirty-five, plus watching all the projects I used to work on slowly die off. I actually had a serious offer from someone to to buy one of them, but have been too busy to clean it up and deliver it.

I'm also catching up on TSOYA podcasts of old, so maybe there's something in there. Either way, Jesse Thorn must be stopped. I'm cre8ive, dammit.


Andre Torrez

REDEMPTION! Thanks, Jesse.

"(Andre Torrez is a) success."
- Jesse Thorn

"Or terribly gullible as any one can fill out a comment box."
- Dream Visiting Jesse Thorn


I've had one dream with Jesse in it. We were at some kind of swanky grocery story. The kind with CDs, exotic cheeses, fresh baked bread, and massages... it was in the middle of no where modesto.

As we were leaving the store, I asked him when his voice dropped. "So when did it drop Jesse... your voice?"

That's it.


I had a dream that Jesse trashed a MMORPG starring Pharaohe Monch in a review on his site.


Who is this Jesse? And what is Young America? And what exactly does it sound like?

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before this i wrote bioshock! after this i wrote cuckoo's egg 2.0


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