San Francisco: No One Will Tell You When You Have A Bad Idea on Flickr.
Of course, today we just signed up to live in this City for a few more years. We found a place in the Outer Sunset which sounds a lot like saying we're moving to one of Saturn's Outer Moons—and that is not far from the truth—but we do get our own place with a yard and can still stay in San Francisco.
mat honan
I hope the title of my photo doesn't come across the wrong way. I hope it doesn't make it sound like I had anything against SF. I certainly do not. Well, not much, at least. See, the thing is, when I say "San Francisco is the kind of town where nobody will tell you when you have a bad idea," I mean it not only as a cautionary note, but also in the best possible way.
I love it here. It is Oz.
I've been all over the world, and when I factor in everything from culture, to weather, to topography, to business, to politics, to on and on and on, there is nowhere I'd rather live. And it is decidedly different here than the East Bay or Marin or the Penninsula. There you are stuck and at the whim of cars and bridges and tunnels and trains. Sprawl. I can walk or bike to every corner of the ciudad. If Oakland is Brooklyn; I'll take Manhattan. The Bay Area and San Francisco aren't the same thing at all. And I'm very glad you're both staying in the latter instead of moving to the former.
Now please convince me to do the same.
may, 21 2008
Andre Torrez
I knew how you meant it because I know you, but there are truths about SF that still exist—like tattooing a fixed-gear bicycle on your face or not showering. Or deciding to spray paint something like this on a sidewalk.
But what you just said about SF is why we fought to stay in the city. Ending up in the Outer Sunset was a function of affordability and requirements, but we wanted to be *IN* the city and that was our compromise.
may, 21 2008
mat honan
So this means you think my new facial fixie tattoo was a bad idea? Why didn't you say something beforehand?
may, 21 2008
Did I just hear that you signed a multi-year lease? Sounds like a mortgage to me.
may, 21 2008
Andre Torrez
No, it means we signed a year lease and have no intentions on moving again for several years.
may, 21 2008
yay for staying a few more years. in gratitude i offer my babysitting services during the time of your lease.
may, 21 2008
The Outer Sunset isn't such a bad place - I lived there for a few months and liked it a lot. You have Other Avenues, Trouble Coffee, and the N-Judah to the Inner Sunset! And not that many fixies.
may, 21 2008
buy sweaters! and a dehumidifier for the closets.
may, 22 2008
You've seen this, yeah?
may, 23 2008